God promised Abraham that his children would be blessed and favored. Because of Jesus, we get to be children of this Promise. Jesus is the Promise. Our faith in him began in spirit. We can never drift and finish in the flesh.

Our world is filled with overcomplicated things; relationships, politics, popular culture, achievement, etc. Christianity is not supposed to fit into the list of things that are “overcomplicated”…even though a lot of people have been trying since the beginning to do just that. How ‘bout not?

Jesus showed us a gospel narrative that encompasses everything we need, and all that the world is looking for. Don’t add anything to it.

You are in God’s family because God made a way for you. Not because you earned your way in. It’s a family…not a club. This replaces the HAVE TO motivation with WANT TO. This message uses the very personal illustration of tithing to show how this works.

Paul shows just how hard he is willing to fight for the freedom of the saints in Galatia. His words can apply to you right here right now. Where are you stuck? Bring those things to Jesus. He wants you free.

Galatians 5 is where Paul lands the plane. He is relentless on the subject of freedom; from sin, from slavery to the law, from performance, from religious rites, and from the tyranny of legalists. Living to serve another one another is presented as the key to freedom from sin.

Paul lands the plane of his Freedom theme in his letter to the Galatian Christians by featuring nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Each one represents a path to freedom in your life.

Galatians chapter six is the most beautiful sum up. Paul gets specific about the lessons learned in this letter to help these powerful life-changing teachings actually stick. Jesus Plus Nothing living…there’s nothing like it.