Yes. I am with Jesus.

A message introducing the power and practicality of 1 Peter; how we got the book and the man who wrote it.

I am Royal Priesthood

What an awesome job we have as Christians; to represent his light in very dark places.

Submission - It’s not what you think

Biblical submission is a military term for battle formation providing support and defense. Well THAT changes things.

A hope people can feel

Our “joyful expectation” should positively affect all our relationships.

Suffering Faithfully

Peter encourages the exiled Christians to respond to suffering in a new way.

Welcome to the Resistance!

Peter closes his first letter with strong instruction to church leadership, encouragement to live with humility, and ultimately to resist the devil by our faith in Jesus.

We have everything we need

It can feel like we aren’t enough…but in Christ we have everything we need for a godly life.


Our earthly, tent-like journey as Jesus followers is strengthened by eye witness testimonies and Old Testament prophecies inspired by the one and only Holy Spirit.

False Teachers and Stinkin’ Thinkin’

God wants you to live a life of freedom; free from the manipulation and opportunism of biased religious leaders in it for all the wrong reasons.

Peter’s Farewell…. “Hang in there!”

This is Peter's farewell address; a warning about bullies, preparation for long suffering, and encouagement to hang on in Jesus's name.