
Don't miss the series finale of Love Your Neighbor, focusing on a description of the brotherhood of David and Jonathan; they were sewn together.

How do we get that? And why is it important? The world is watching…not just for our gospel, but for us to regard them…in friendship.

A conversational presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ…which is the single greatest way anyone can love their neighbor. Period.

Worship with us every Sunday in person & online. #WeAreTheWaters

A conversational presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ…which is the single greatest way anyone can love their neighbor. Period.

Worship with us every Sunday in person & online.

It’s so easy to want to cling to the good moments out of fear that we’ll lose the motivation. Imagine how the disciples felt on resurrection day. But they stopped being scared. They captured the motivation of the moment but didn’t cling to it. They used it to inspire them to love the world with bravery. And this love revolution continues!

It’s really easy in this day & age to take the posture of self-righteousness and feel the need to let others know when we think they are wrong…

But often times engaging the fool can end up having the adverse effect and end up making us the fool. So how do we know if we are responding the way God would want us to?

Satan cannot love anyone. Why? He doesn’t have God as a source for anything! His strategy against us is to define us by his defeat. BUT THIS CAN’T HAPPEN! God has given us back everything we lost in the garden…but we have to choose it. Everything in your life depends on that choice. Choose wisely.

Worship with us every Sunday in person & online.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine." Why do we pretend things are okay when they are not and where do we lean in during those times? Are you building a house on a solid foundation or on sand?

Check out the full sermon from last Sunday:

Another look into the Parable of the Good Samaritan…and how Jesus elevates the ministry of nearness. Worship with us every Sunday in person & online. #WeAreTheWaters

Neighbors come with all kinds of messes. Loving them isn’t a pretty picture. It was never intended to be. Otherwise, that would be easy. And what of value has ever been classified as “easy”?

Join us this Sunday and find out why we are discussing loving oxen. #WeAreTheWaters

How are you leveraging your influence and sharing God's love the way He wants us to? This Sunday our Executive Pastor, Angela McClinton, will be bringing us a special message.

It’s great that God told us to love him…it’s even greater that he told us how to do it! Check out one of the most important How To's you may ever watch this Sunday....

Join us at 11am on Facebook & YouTube Live every Sunday!

Do you have some conditioned reactions where you could use some Godly rewiring in your brain? What can we take away from the Levite and Priests reactions?

One of the most famous of all of Christ's parables contextually explained; presenting the supernatural, unending, undying, never relenting, never forgetting, forever increasing, always and forever growing and impossible to understand love of Jesus.

Jesus elated by the idea of the Disciples' salvation. What does that even mean? How is your joy level?

Join us on Deeper Dive! #WeAreTheWaters

Welcome to the beginning of a series of messages designed to inspire you to love your neighbor as you love yourself.