The church begins at Pentecost in Acts 2. We all get started there. But why? Why then? And on what foundation? This message focuses on this singular principle – the church’s foundation is the completed mission of Jesus Christ, and the New Covenant he established. And it’s incredible.
Were you ever told not to "run in the house of the Lord"? What does that even mean? This message addresses the important question, what does it mean to BE The Church? Spoiler alert - It's ok, Go ahead and run!
We do what we do at this church because people are hungry and thirsty. When Jesus fed the 5,000, he asked his followers to gather the small amount of food, the bread and fish, and then he did the miracle. It's not our job to do the miracle, we just bring the bread and fish. We have been since 2003, and we're never going to stop.
So many people don’t come to Christianity because of how Christians have represented the gospel; with overbearing judgmental, hypocritical, and joyless character. But this is not the gospel of the Bible. Simply put, Jesus came to give humanity back what we lost in the Garden of Eden…LIFE.
So many people don’t come to Christianity because of how Christians have represented the gospel; with overbearing judgmental, hypocritical, and joyless character. But this is not the gospel of the Bible. Simply put, Jesus came to give humanity back what we lost in the Garden of Eden…LIFE.