The Prayer Ministry is a team of people who believe that praying is one of the most beautiful and powerful things we can do. We engage in prayer for our church, our leaders, and our people. The vision of the Prayer Ministry is that prayer would be a source of intimacy and joy on an individual basis and that it would be unleashed to empower the Church to win souls for Christ across West Houston. Prayer Ministry participants believe that this can be achieved through our own personal connection to God through prayer. Members of the Prayer Team are seen as leaders within the church and are asked to participate in Prayer Ministry Activities, including:
-Weekly prayer time on your own for the pastors, leaders and members of our church (prayer requests provided)
-Leadership through example in prayer initiatives, such as Prayer for Our Church, Pray for Your Neighbor, Prayer and Fasting for a cause, etc.
-Opportunities to pray as need arises, such as prayer walking neighborhoods, prayer before church events, etc.
-Help planning and participation in prayer events throughout the year at The Waters.
If you decide you would like to give us a try, contact Sarah Chavez at
The Prayer Ministry at The Waters Church is committed to praying for you and your specific prayer needs. Please let us know how we can join you in prayer for specific requests by completing the form below.