Do you have a child, grandchild, or know a child? Here’s a fun chance for them to spend the summer growing in God one verse at a time. While we can’t be together yet in person on Sundays in our Splash Children’s Ministry, your child can still learn straight from the Bible. What better time to begin hiding it in our hearts? (Psalm 119:11) Download our Scripture Summer Challenge kit below and join in the fun! Prizes will be awarded for both participants and winners at the end of the summer. This is open to the public! You do not have to attend The Waters Church to participate.
No printer? No Problem! Contact Children’s Ministry Director Jessica Osborne for a hard copy of the kit.
1. Choose FIVE scriptures from your age bracket to memorize by July 31st.
2. Practice each one with the games and activities provided here.
3. Recite them to a grown-up who then signs your certificate.
4. Send a picture of your certificate to Children’s Ministry Director Jessica Osborne to receive a participation award AND be entered in the drawing for a big prize basket.
Do I have to choose from these scriptures? NO! If you prefer to choose other scriptures, go for it. You still must do five, and they should be of similar length (or longer) to those in your age bracket.
My child is on the line of the age group differentiation. Can I choose the other age bracket? YES. Please choose the set of scriptures that best matches your child’s reading and memory skills, regardless of how the scriptures are labeled.
Who can participate? Any kid through completed fifth grade.
Can I finish them early? YES! Send a picture of your certificate whenever you are finished. Prizes will be awarded in early August.
Can I use other ways of memorizing? YES! The list provided for you is just suggestion. You may memorize however works best for you.
What if I forget about it during the summer? To keep you motivated, we will be highlighting this challenge on Sunday mornings. Keep an eye out, and you might see yourself practicing your verses! (Parents can send photos to Jessica.)
What is the prize? Each person who participates by memorizing five scriptures will win a small prize. You will also get your name in a drawing for a big prize basket! There will be one basket for age toddler-5 years and one for K-5th.
How do I send the picture of my certificate? Email or text to Children’s Ministry Director Jessica Osborne
text: 512-921-0733